Mistakes happen, and there is always a possibility that events do not go as planned. For example, a word could be misspelled on every piece of inventory, or information displayed on packaging may no longer even be applicable. Since misfortunes occur in different shapes, sizes, and amounts, custom cover-up labels offer a solution that allows old labels and packaging to still be used despite the flaw.
Here’s how we develop your problem solving solution:
1. We’ll need to know the color and material of the initial packaging, label, etc. In order to manufacture a solution that is as seamless as possible, we’ll need this information to determine materials and printing processes.
2. Another very important factor is the application surface to determine which adhesive will be a reliable option. Seeing as how this is likely going to be a permanent solution, we offer a wide variety of durable, permanent adhesives.
3. Finally, we’ll need to know the environment in which the cover-up label solution will be used. Is this label covering up misprinted information on a bag of dog food, or an incorrect inspection date on a chemical drum? These two scenarios require different solutions, which is why clear, consistent communication is important in developing a reliable cover-up solution.
Key takeaways:
- In order to create a successful solution, your manufacturer will need to know the required color, material, durability, shape, size, and more.
- It is also important to communicate the environment in which the label is going to be used to ensure durability and reliability.
- A reliable manufacturer will take your unique requirements and develop an opaque, reliable cover-up label solution.

The bottom line: Custom cover-up labels offer a seamless solution to what can appear to be a stressful problem. After analyzing the problem, materials involved, and overall packaging requirements, our team of specialists will work to make your product appear to be flawless and original.